While Modi's office insisted there was no subtext to the move, the leader is usually on hand to greet world leader with a hug at the airport. When he arrived in New Dehli on Saturday, instead of being greeted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi he was instead welcomed by a junior agriculture minister. It is not only Trudeau's dress sense that has seen him come under fire on his India tour - he has also been snubbed by Indian politicians because of his past support for Sikh separatist groups. The paper wrote: 'We understand that the Trudeaus do not understand Indian clothing as well as Indian dignitaries do, but for someone who's been fond of wearing Indian kurtas even back home, it's not wrong to expect a touch of class.'
India Today described the choice of clothing as 'tacky', suggesting it was insulting to his guests. But while the actors dressed down for the occasion, opting largely for black suits and shirts, Trudeau went all-out with a gaudy golden number.